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Dr Russell Naughton, «Adventures in CyberSound», www.cinemedia.net/SFCV-RMIT-Annex/rnaughton

«A Chronology of AM Radio Broadcasting», Part 1 (1900-1922) and Part 2 (1923-1960), members.aol.com/jeff560/jeff.html

Schoenherr Steven E., «History of Radio», history.acusd.edu/gen/recording/notes.html

Center for Electronic Text & Image Smith Laboratory, http://www.library.upenn.edu/etext/smith/apparatus/faradaylab2.html

Martin's Marconi Pages: homepages.tesco.net/~martin.batesuk/index.htm

«A Thumbnail History of Electronics», http://www.ee.umd.edu/~taylor/Electrons.htm

«The First Electronic Church of America», www.webstationone.com/fecha/default.htm

Steven E. Schoenherr, «Recording Technology History Notes», http://history.acusd.edu/gen/recording/notes.html

The Complete Lee de Forest, www.leedeforest.org

Mike Adams, «The Race for Radiotelephone: 1900-1920»

«World of Wireless», http://home.luna.nl/~arjan-muil/radio/museum.html

Britannica.com – Online, http://www.britannica.com

Mike Katzdorn, «E.H. Armstrong Web Site», http://users.erols.com/oldradio/ehabio.htm

Angelo Brunero and Andrea Valori, «The Invention of The Radio» http://www.mclink.it/nautica/cultura

«The First Transatlantic Wireless Message Revisited», December 1996 issue of «The Canadian Amateur»

John L. Moll, «National Academy of Sciences», «William Bradford Shockley», www4.nas.edu/nas/nashome.nsf

«OTB-Online», www.antiquewireless.org/otb/index.htm

The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation, www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1956/index.html

Texas Instruments, «The Chip That Jack Built Changed the World», www.ti.com/corp/docs/kilbyctr/jackstclair.shtml

The Hammond Museum of Radio, Reginald Fessenden, http://www.kwarc.org/hammond/fessenden.html

John V.L. Hogan, «The Outline Of Radio», «A Brief Historical Review», http://www.eht.com/oldradio/history/outline/Hogaxx.htm

Марченков В., «Первый радиотехник А.С. Попов», «Радио» №3, 1995.

«Большая энциклопедия Кирилла и Мефодия», «Кирилл и Мефодий», 1997.

«Большая советская энциклопедия» (online), http://www.rubricon.ru

«Детская энциклопедия», тт. 3, 5, М., «Просвещение», 1965.

«Электроника. Энциклопедический словарь», М., «Советская энциклопедия», 1991.

«Советский энциклопедический словарь», М., «Советская энциклопедия», 1988.

Жолквер-Краснопольская В. («Немецкая волна»), «Радиополитика и радиопропаганда в Третьем Рейхе».

«Qui Etait Edouard Branly», http://www2.ac-lille.fr/branly-boulogne/ed_branl.htm

«Sir Oliver Lodge on the direct voice phenomenon», http://www.xs4all.nl/~wichm/lodgera.html

Raw deal, Nathan Stubblefield, http://www.blastbooks.com/RAWDEAL/Stubblefield/fr2stub.htm

Bell Labs Innovations Technology, http://www.bell-labs.com/technology/lightwave/nature.html

Reginad Fessenden Biography, http://www.kwarc.org/hammond/fessenden-bio.html

A Brief Historical Review, by John V.L. Hogan, written in 1923, Edited By John H. Dilks, 1996, http://www.eht.com/oldradio/history/outline/Hogaxx.htm

Conrad Project Overview, http://trfn.clpgh.org/nmb/nmbover.htm

KDKA Pittsburg PA in the early 20's, Hammond Museum of Radio, http://www.kwarc.on.ca/hammond/kdka-pix.html

The New York Times Company, http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/bday/0504.html

KDKA History, http://www.kdkaradio.com/timeline.html

E. H. Armstrong Web Site, http://users.erols.com/oldradio

The Audion Piano (1915), http://www.obsolete.com/120_years/machines/audion_piano/index.html

Radio's First Message - Fessenden and Marconi, http://www.ieee.ca/millennium/radio/radio_differences.html

Old Branly's photo, http://www.radio-tsf.com/histoire.html

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